Fast WHT Trees

This is benchmark data for the SPIRAL WHT package.

Machine Information

Machine: PowerPC RS64 III, 450 MHz, 8 GB RAM, L1 128KB/128KB, L2 8MB per processor
Operating System: AIX 4.3.3
Compiler: IBM C compiler cc 5.0.5
Compiler Options: -O5

Best Binary Trees found with Dynamic Programming

n runtime wht tree
1 3.933907e-08 [1]
2 6.437302e-08 [2]
3 1.108646e-07 [3]
4 3.075600e-07 [4]
5 7.247925e-07 [5]
6 1.678467e-06 [6]
7 4.043579e-06 [7]
8 9.460449e-06 [8]
9 2.166748e-05 split[ [3], [6] ]
10 4.760742e-05 split[ [5], [5] ]
11 1.019287e-04 split[ [5], [6] ]
12 2.172852e-04 split[ [6], [6] ]
13 4.785156e-04 split[ [6], [7] ]
14 1.093750e-03 split[ [6], [8] ]
15 3.164062e-03 split[ [1], split[ [6], [8] ] ]
16 6.835937e-03 splitddl[ [8], [8] ]
17 1.453125e-02 splitddl[ [8], split[ [3], [6] ] ]
18 3.125000e-02 splitddl[ split[ [3], [6] ], split[ [3], [6] ] ]
19 7.875000e-02 split[ [1], splitddl[ split[ [3], [6] ], split[ [3], [6] ] ] ]
20 2.075000e-01 splitddl[ split[ [5], [6] ], split[ [3], [6] ] ]
21 4.950000e-01 splitddl[ split[ [5], [6] ], split[ [5], [5] ] ]
22 1.060000e+00 splitddl[ split[ [5], [5] ], split[ [6], [6] ] ]
23 2.180000e+00 splitddl[ split[ [5], [6] ], split[ [6], [6] ] ]